LWML NID Stamp Ministry

Phil’s Friends

photo of Phil & some volunteers

Mite Goal: $10,000 paid in full Click here to help us reach our fundraising goal for this 2020-2022 mission grant. PHIL’S FRIENDS provides care packages for cancer patients in the Chicago area and around the U.S. This grant would allow Phil’s Friends to purchase the spiritual items, including Bibles, which are included in those packages.

Dr. William H. Griffin Community Center Food Pantry

photo of men helping with the food pantry distribution

Mite Goal: $18,000 paid: $9,225.69 Click here to help us reach our fundraising goal for this 2020-2022 mission grant. This food pantry has been a ministry of Zion Lutheran Church on Chicago’s south side since 2008. This mission serves about 300 people through its food bank, clothing bank, and several outreach events throughout the year.