Ride the LWML NID bus to the LWML convention in Omaha, NE

Ride the LWML NID bus to the LWML convention in Omaha, NE

UPDATE: Thank you for your interest in having a bus go to Omaha.  Unfortunately, we did not get

enough people to commit.  I know that this means for me that I have to carpool with the other 3 women from my society.  I hope your society president or zone president might be able to give you names of people who are driving out to convention so that you might get a ride with them.  You can also see if you can rent a van under your church’s insurance and hire a church member to drive.

Please note this means that you will have to make your own hotel arrangements.  The information regarding hotels can be found in the Winter Quarterly which arrived at your church about December 11, 2024.

Kris B.

The cost is approximately $400 (about the same as flying but easier).

2 locations for pick-up… Concordia University and Cross Lutheran, Yorkville!

Door to door service from hotel to convention center – approximately 7:30 am to convention center and return with 2 choices 5PM and 9:30PM.

Your rooms will be in a hotel that the LWML has designated as the bus hotel.  I will make all the arrangements when you sign up.  You may choose your roommate and up to 4 in a room.