LWML NID mission grant for the Lutheran Heritage Foundation $15,000

LWML NID mission grant for the Lutheran Heritage Foundation $15,000

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Sharing Lutheran Bible books in a Muslim school – does it sound impossible? With God, all things are possible! In Indonesia (home to the world’s largest Muslim population), their founders admired diversity, and so the country does not proclaim itself an Islamic State. This pride in diversity and a certain amount of tolerance allows for the teaching of different world religions in Indonesia’s public schools, where Christians can teach the basics of the faith. At a cost of only $5 per book, 3,000 colorful Bible storybooks and Small Catechisms will be provided in the Indonesian language for Indonesia’s public school students.

Mite Goal 2024-2026 Biennium = $160,000
Received as of November 30, 2024 = $ 20,497.46
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